28 STD Risk Calculators
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Four HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Risk Calculators
- Two Chlamydia Risk Calculators
- One Gonorrhea Risk Calculator
- Two Syphilis Risk Calculators
- Two Herpes Risk Calculators
- Twelve HIV/AIDS Risk Calculators
- Five General STD Risk Calculators

According to the Centers for Disease Control, most people do not receive the STD screening they need. Not only does this increase transmission, but it also greatly endangers those who go untreated. The CDC notes that untreated STDs can increase one’s chances of getting HIV, lead to infertility, cause organ damage, and have many other harmful effects.
To help spread awareness and increase STD testing, following is a list of STD risk calculators for common STDs.
HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
HPV Risk Assessment — As the information provided with this calculator notes, men and women can contract HPV, but it most often affects women. This calculator asks five simple questions and then assesses whether you have a low, medium or high risk of contracting/having HPV.
Calculate Risk of Getting Cervical Cancer from HPV — This calculator from the Children’s Hospital of Michigan helps assess your chances of developing cervical cancer due to HPV.
Cervical Cancer Risk Assessment Module — This tool from Athena uses past HPV test results to help determine one’s risk of developing cervical cancer.
Are You at Risk for Oral Cancer from HPV? — As the information provided with this calculator explains, in addition to cervical cancer, HPV can also cause oral cancer. This calculator helps determine whether you are at risk of developing oral cancer from HPV.
Chlamydia Risk Assessment — As the information provided with this risk calculator explains, with approximately 1 million people with chlamydia in the U.S. alone, it is one of the most common STDs. This risk checker uses 5 simple questions to assess whether you have a low, medium or high risk of having chlamydia.
The Check – Provided by Planned Parenthood, “The Check” assesses whether someone should go get tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea or HIV. The results offer information on which STDs users may need to get tested for and provides advice on how to prevent the spread of STDs.
Gonorrhea Risk Assessment — As the information provided with this risk calculator explains, gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics. However, if it goes untreated, it can lead to serious health problems such as infertility. This risk checker asks six simple questions to assess whether you have a low, medium, or high risk of having gonorrhea.
Syphilis Risk Assessment — As the information provided with this risk calculator explain, syphilis cases have increased in the past 10-15 years. This risk checker uses 5 simple questions to assess whether you have a low, medium or high risk of having syphilis.
Do I Have Syphilis? Quiz — This quiz asks a series of questions to assess whether you might have secondary syphilis.
Genital Herpes Risk Assessment — As the information provided with this calculator teaches, there is no cure for genital herpes. Learn whether you have a low, medium or high risk of contracting it.
Living with Genital Herpes: Are You At Risk? — From WebMD, the information provided with this calculator explains that genital herpes is quite common. In fact, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. have the STD. This quick and easy calculator explains how likely it is that you have herpes.
Calculate Your HIV Risk — This calculator uses common HIV/AIDS risk factors to help determine how likely it is that a user has HIV. It also provides information on HIV testing with the results provided.
HIV Risk Assessment — This tool from the Minnesota AIDS Project assesses users’ risk-taking behaviors associated with HIV to determine how great their chances of contracting the disease may be.
HIV Risk Calculator — This risk assessment tool from the University of Maryland Medical System uses its questions to determine users’ exposure to certain HIV risk factors and whether they should be tested.
HIV Risk? — This risk calculator asks users questions about their personal health and sexual history to determine their risk of having contracted HIV. The website also provides helpful information about HIV testing, risk factors, and symptoms.
Assess Your Risk for HIV – This 16-question quiz considers factors such as community, mindset, and sexual history to determine users’ levels of HIV risk.
Assess My HIV Risk Status – This easy-to-use calculator is designed for women having sex with other women. It uses questions about sexual health and history to determine users’ HIV risk status.
Know Your Risk – This calculator from Health Initiative for Men is designed for men in sexual relationships with other men and asks questions about sexual practices to determine level of risk.
Have You Put Yourself at Risk? – This 10-question test assesses whether users have put themselves at a higher risk of contracting HIV through their actions/decisions.
Assess Your HIV Risk Factors – This quick and easy test uses eight questions to determine if users have “No Problem,” “Mild,” or “Severe Problem” regarding whether they may have HIV and suggests whether they should get tested.
Assess Your Risk for HIV/AIDS – As this risk calculator explains, “your behavior can determine your risk for HIV/AIDS.” It asks questions about sexual history and practices in order to assess risk.
Are You at Risk? – This calculator uses 10 questions to help users determine whether they should be tested for HIV.
HIV Risk Assessment – This quick and easy test helps users determine whether they should be tested for HIV.
General STD Risk Calculators
Embarrassing Bodies’ My Risk Checker — This STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) risk assessment tool asks questions about your sexual history and then provides an STI Risk Report with your results. The report recommends whether you should get tested and provides information about preventing the spread of STIs.
STD Risk Calculator — This risk calculator uses an algorithm to determine your “approximate chances” of having contracted an STD.
STD Wizard – As this risk calculator explains, it is possible to have an STD and not show any symptoms. Use it to determine whether you should get tested.
Sexually Related Infections Risk Assessment – Specifically for women, this risk assessment tool can be used to determine your chances of contracting an STD.
Could You Have an STD? – Designed for young women, this risk assessment tool asks questions about sexual history and current health to determine whether users may have an STD.