24 Cholesterol Risk Calculators
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According to the Centers for Disease Control, 71 million Americans have high cholesterol, which is a major contributor to heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S.
Once detected high cholesterol can be controlled through a healthy lifestyle and, when needed, medications such as statin drugs.
To help raise awareness about this silent killer and to encourage those at risk to have their cholesterol checked, following is a list of cholesterol calculators.
Statin Drugs Risk Calculators
ASCVD Risk Estimator - Developed by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association, the ASCVD Risk Estimator takes cholesterol levels into account to determine your 10-year risk of ASCVD (arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease) risk and then recommends whether you might benefit from statins based on that risk level.
10-Year Risk for First ASCVD Event — This site presents the ASCVD Risk Estimator and provides more explanation for users about what their results mean and if they should consider statin therapy.
The Absolute CVD/Risk Benefit Calculator — This calculator determines your risk of cardiovascular disease and provides a tool that shows whether and how much statin drugs could benefit you based on your responses.
Statin Choice/Aspirin Choice Decision Aid — From Mayo Clinic, this calculator uses basic health questions and information about your cholesterol and blood pressure levels to determine your 10-year risk of heart attack. It then shows how an intervention with statin drugs will affect your risk level.
Framingham 5 and 10 Year Risk Calculator — The Framingham calculator is one tool used by doctors to determine risk of coronary heart disease and whether statin drugs will benefit a patient.
Framingham Coronary Heart Disease Risk Score — This site presents a more user-friendly version of the Framingham calculator.
Reducing Vascular Risk — Presented by the Canadian Diabetes Association, this calculator was developed for use by physicians to help them determine whether vascular protective medications, such as statins, could benefit a patient.
Cholesterol Risk Calculators
QRISK®2-2014 Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculator — Developed by the UK National Health Service, this risk calculator uses your cholesterol/HDL ratio and other personal health factors to determine your percent risk of having a heart attack or stroke within the next 10 years.
Reynolds Risk Score — The Reynolds Risk Score predicts 10-year risk of heart attack or stroke for people who are currently healthy and without diabetes.
Heart Attack Risk Assessment — From the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association, this calculator assesses your cholesterol and blood pressure to determine heart attack risk. With each section, it provides valuable facts and information on how to reduce that risk.
LDL Cholesterol Goal Level Calculator — From the Medical College of Wisconsin, this calculator determines your 10-year risk of having a heart attack and also provides your LDL Cholesterol (aka “bad cholesterol”) Goal Level with your results.
Cholesterol Reduction Calculator — From the University of Maryland Medical System, this calculator explains that high cholesterol kills 500,000 Americans each year. It asks questions about your personal health and cholesterol levels to determine your recommended LDL cholesterol level.
Estimated Risk of Developing CHD in 10 Years – This calculator was developed to be used specifically by American Indians of age 30 and older and uses cholesterol levels and other factors to determine risk of CHD (coronary heart disease).
Heart Disease Risk Assessment — From the American College of Cardiology, this calculator helps people, who currently don’t have heart disease, determine their risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years by assessing their cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol Assessment – Is High Cholesterol Putting Your Heart at Risk? — From WebMd, this calculator assesses your cholesterol levels and overall health and lifestyle to determine whether they may be putting your health at risk.
Cholesterol Risk Calculator — This calculator shows whether your cholesterol levels are in a normal, healthy range.
Do You Have Your Cholesterol Under Control? — This calculator assesses your personal health to determine whether you’re at risk for high cholesterol and the health problems that come with it.
LDL Calculator — This calculator is quick and easy to use but users will need to know their Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. It calculates LDL or “bad cholesterol” levels.
Cholesterol HDL, LDL, Triglycerides Ratio Calculator — This calculator
provides your cholesterol ratios and explains whether they are in a healthy range. It also links to helpful articles on HDL/LDL ratios.
Heart Attack Risk Calculator — This easy-to-use calculator uses sliders for categories such as “Total Cholesterol” and “HDL Cholesterol” to determine 10-year risk of heart attack.
Cholesterol Calculator for Diagnosis of High Cholesterol — In addition to diagnosing whether users have high cholesterol, this calculator provides
helpful lists of low cholesterol foods and high cholesterol foods to guide users in making healthy choices.
Cholesterol Master — The Cholesterol Master is for use by physicians and helps provide patients information about their cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol Ratio Calculator — For seniors, this calculator explains the relationship between cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.
Cholesterol Ratio Calculator — This calculator explains what a healthy cholesterol ratio is and helps users determine theirs.