Over Time Paycheck Calculator
Overtime Calculator Usage Instructions
Enter your normal houlry rate, how many hours hou work each pay period, your overtime multiplier, overtime hours worked and tax rate to figure out what your overtime hourly rate is and what your paycheck will be after income taxes are deducted.
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Maximize Earning from Overtime Work
- Guide Authored by Corin B. Arenas, published on October 8, 2019
Building a solid income is crucial for security. The earlier you save, the stronger your financial safety net will be.
One practical way of increasing savings is to put in more work for more pay. In this section, you’ll learn more about overtime work, how to make the most out of extra hours, and managing your savings wisely.
Top Jobs That Let You Benefit from Overtime Pay

The U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average American works overtime
for a little over 4 hours a week. That’s about 208 hours a year.
While some people think hourly jobs pay a lot less than salaried work, it’s not always true. There are fulltime hourly jobs that provide sizable salaries and benefits.
Employees who are paid by the hour, also called non-exempt employees, are not obligated to make managerial decisions. Their time of work is tracked, and they receive compensation for the excess hours. Their overtime rate is 1.5 times their regular hourly rate.
Hourly workers appreciate leaving work on time, allowing them to do other important activities. Likewise, rendering extra hours effectively increases their annual income.
Here are some of the top paying hourly jobs according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (May 2018):
Occupation | Employment Population | Median Hourly Wage | Mean Hourly Wage | Annual Mean Wage |
Industrial Machinery Mechanics | 362,440 | $25.16 | $25.96 | $53,330 |
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers | 1,800,330 | $21.00 | $21.91 | $45,570 |
Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors | 308,470 | $19.15 | $21.43 | $44,580 |
Painters, Construction and Maintenance | 228,420 | $18.72 | $20.70 | $43,050 |
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants | 3,498,120 | $18.69 | $20.34 | $42,320 |
Tree Trimmers and Pruners | 42,440 | $18.36 | $19.47 | $40,510 |
Dental Assistants | 341,060 | $18.59 | $19.12 | $39,770 |
Financial Clerks | 2,978,640 | $18.02 | $19.07 | $39,660 |
Customer Service Representatives | 2,871,400 | $16.23 | $17.53 | $36,470 |
Grounds Maintenance Workers | 14,470 | $14.63 | $17.17 | $35,710 |
Medical Assistants | 673,660 | $16.16 | $16.61 | $34,540 |
What does it take to qualify for these positions? Consider 5 of these jobs:
Industrial Machinery Mechanics
Industrial mechanics are highly skilled in repairing and replacing broken components. They routinely perform tests and calibrate systems to make sure machines are running properly.
They are expected to have electrical and computer programming knowledge to fix sophisticated equipment. Workers also read new manuals to keep themselves updated. Industrial machinery mechanics earn a mean wage of $53,330 annually.
Mean wage per hour: $25.96
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
These drivers transport heavy goods between cities and states. The position requires a high school diploma, commercial driver’s license, and certification from a professional truck driving school.
If you choose this job, expect to be away from a couple of days to a few weeks at a time. Depending on the delivery schedule, anticipate driving overnight. Their annual mean wage is $45,570.
Mean wage per hour: $21.91
Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors
If you like working for health clubs, gyms, and recreational facilities, this could be the job for you. Fitness instructors specialize in different areas, which include advanced personal training, strength and conditioning, sports conditioning, post-rehab training, and many others.
Employers prefer to hire trainers with official certification. This position requires working on weekends, holidays, and nights. Fitness trainers earn a mean wage of $44,580 annually.
Mean wage per hour: $21.43
Painters, Construction and Maintenance Personnel
This job requires extensive painting skills for residential walls, buildings, bridges, and other structural surfaces. It also involves mixing colors or oils and removing old paint to condition surfaces for new paint jobs. A painter, construction and maintenance person earns a mean wage of $43,050 a year.
Mean wage per hour: $21.43
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
Secretaries are needed in practically every industry. From schools, hospitals, to government offices, they perform all sorts of routine clerical and administrative work.
Employers usually prefer high school graduates with basic knowledge of computer software applications. But depending on the industry and complexity of the job, a secretary may need additional training and related work experience. They earn a mean wage of $42,320 a year.
Mean wage per hour: $20.34
Can I Get Overtime Pay If I Work a Salaried Job?

Workers who are paid a salary are classified as exempt
employees by the Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA). People with exempt jobs routinely exercise independent judgment.
This includes positions such as supervisors, managers, and directors.
There is, however, an exception to the rule. Since 2004, if a salaried employee earns less than $23,660 per year, he or she is automatically classified as a non-exempt worker. This basically means they are entitled to overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours a week.
But in the last 15 years, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recognized the need to reward more employees who render excessive hours. In September 24, 2019, DOL announced a new rule that would make 1.3 million American workers eligible for overtime pay. It’s set to raise the standard salary to over $35,000 annually.
The new guidelines, which will be effective on January 1, 2020, states the following principles:
- DOL is increasing the standard salary level that’s currently $455 per week to $684 per week. That’s equivalent to $35,568 per year for a full-year worker.
- DOL is raising the total annual compensation requirement for “highly compensated employees” from $100,000 per year to $107,432 per year
- DOL is allowing employers to use nondiscretionary bonuses and incentive payments (including commissions) paid at least annually to satisfy up to 10% of the standard salary level, in recognition of evolving pay practices
- DOL is revising the special salary levels for workers in U.S. territories and the motion picture industry.
Finally, there are cases where employees might be mistakenly classified.
If you think your employer wrongly classified you as exempt (some companies do this to evade overtime payments), report it immediately. Contact your state labor agency or get in touch with a labor law attorney in your jurisdiction. Know your rights and let the law work for you.
How Does a Second Job Compare to Overtime?

Taking a second job is typical for anyone who wants to earn more.
It’s common among employees on their first job, as well as parents who want to
increase income for their households.
But between overtime work or taking multiple jobs, which one is better? Truth is, it depends on your situation. There are times working another job may be financially beneficial. However, it has its share of drawbacks such as:
- Dividing your focus
- Fatigue and lack of rest
- Tighter schedule, less time for yourself
- High potential for burnout
On the other hand, working overtime pays you 1.5 times your regular hourly rate without the challenge of shifting your focus. You also don’t need to rush to another workplace. The stress will be a bit more manageable compared to a completely different task.
Make sure to factor in your earnings against your opportunity costs. This includes things like commuting or driving expense, how long your travels take, the cost of buying food, and (if you have a child) hiring a babysitter after hours.
If it looks like you’ll earn just as much by doing overtime work, then don’t do it. Taking another job might leave you with less sleep and more stress.
Ask yourself these other questions before deciding on a second job.
- Can living frugally help resolve my need for extra income? – If your financial problems can be addressed by tightening your belt for a couple of months, this might be better than taking a new job.
- Do I want to learn about a new industry? – If you’re looking to gain more experience or shift to another industry, then taking that other job might be worth the risk.
- Will it interfere with my main work? – Ultimately, if might cost your job, don’t take it. It’s wiser to focus on your fulltime position over a job that earns temporarily.
Take note: There are employers who discourage moonlighting or working part-time for other companies. Exercise caution before you decide to take a second job.
Working multiple jobs shouldn’t be permanent. It’s a great way to earn extra income and get more experience. However, it’s not sustainable. It’s best to prioritize secure positions that will allow you to earn enough.
Whatever options you may have, the key is choosing work that does not cause too much inconvenience or force you to spend more on top of your budget.
How to Render Extra Hours of Work Wisely

Nobody wants to look like they’re slacking off the job. Maximize extra work by really being productive. Here are several ways you can get more done during long shifts, while getting as much pay from your overtime.
1. Avoid Clocking in Below 7 Minutes of Overtime
The FLSA requires 10 minutes of rounding per shift for every employee. This means that companies can round down up to 7 minutes of overtime, but they cannot round down 8-14 minutes of overtime. 8-14 minutes must count as a quarter hour of work.
How does it apply? If you worked overtime for 53 minutes, your employer can round it down to 50 minutes. But if you render overtime for 58 minutes, your employer must round it up to 60 minutes. Make the most out of your salary when you put in the extra work.
The rule keeps employers from rounding down extra hours. The FLSA protects employees from rendering overtime without receiving fair compensation.
2. Synchronize Productive Days with Overtime Work
Employers typically announce schedules that require overtime. To make the most out of extra work, coordinate your overtime schedule on days when you are most productive.
According to a July 2019 survey by staffing firm Accountemps, worker productivity usually peaks at the beginning of the week. 29% say they are most productive on Mondays, while 27% say they’re most productive on Tuesdays. Productivity drops after Wednesday (hump day) at around 20%.
The top 5 most productive workers on Mondays are found in the following states:
- Miami
- New York
- Tampa
- Detroit
- Atlanta
But of course, not everyone is prepared to render extra hours on Mondays. Whether you prefer a Tuesday or Wednesday, having the energy and motivation to go the extra mile on designated days will benefit you and your company.
3. Get Enough Sleep
It’s common for employees to feel lightheaded and sleepy in the office. In fact, the National Safety Council (NSC) states that around 43% of workers are sleep deprived.
Therefore, improving your sleep can impact your productivity and alertness at work. This can really help if you’re putting on extra hours every week. If you know you’ll have a long shift coming, make sure to go to bed early.
How much sleep do you need? According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults must get between 7 hours to 9 hours of sleep a night. Make it a habit. A healthy sleeping schedule will help you focus better at work.
4. Drink More Water Than Caffeine
Most people seem to get through the day with coffee. But the bad news is, too much can make you dehydrated. Other side-effects include feeling jittery, palpitations, and stomach problems.
Having a bad stomachache and getting dehydrated won’t help you focus on work. Instead, drink water to keep yourself hydrated through long shifts.
5. Minimize Distractions
If you’re staying in the office longer, make sure to complete tasks to reduce deliverables by the next day.
This means avoiding social media, online shopping sites, and other things not related to your work. Otherwise, these distractions can render extra hours pointless.
Employers expect workers to deliver quality output, even during overtime hours. Aim to be productive with minimal supervision from managers and co-workers.
6. Focus on the Most Important Tasks
Learn to prioritize and focus on the most important jobs. Tip: Write down the top 3 tasks you need to get done by the end of the day. Tackle the hardest ones you need to do asap. If you finish them before the day ends, just add 3 more.
Having many tasks can keep you from finishing anything. Once you get your priorities in order, you can focus on completing jobs that really matter. While you can’t do everything, it’s a great way to track your productivity little by little, without overwhelming yourself.
7. Group Similar Assignments Together
Another method is tackling similar tasks within the next 2 to 3 hours. Group them into different categories.
For instance, writing creative content and composing emails to clients both require writing, but they involve very different objectives. In this case, designate separate times for writing articles and responding to emails. And if you need to make a client call, at least that task is closer to replying to an email.
Once you try this, you will find that your work flows more smoothly without distractions from other work categories.
How to Manage Your Overtime Savings

Managing income can be daunting, especially if you don’t know where to start. Here are several basic pointers that can help you manage your savings and make better financial decisions.
1. Create a Budget and Follow It
Make it a habit to list down your expenses and adhere to your budget. You’ll be surprised to know how much small purchases can add up. This way, you know exactly where your money is going, and which expenses need downsizing to maximize your savings.
2. Limit Credit Card Purchases
Avoid using credit cards even with small purchases. On average, credit card interest rates can fall anywhere between 14% to 20%.
Moreover, according to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) around 37% of U.S. households have credit card debt month-to-month. Don’t make the mistake of spending your savings on unnecessary debt.
3. Create an Emergency Fund
While we hope accidents never happen, we must prepare for them while we can. Create a separate emergency fund with your savings. More importantly, make sure not to take money from it.
Whether you meet a road accident, get sick, or need to find a new job, your emergency fund should help you cope and bounce back.
4. Create a Passbook Savings Account
Apart from emergency funds, you should open a savings account through your bank or credit union. Savings accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to a degree.
Moreover, you need to use a passbook to withdraw it. Your savings cannot be taken via ATM withdrawal or through checks. Though interest rates for savings accounts are low, it’s a good way to keep your money safe where it cannot easily be spent.
5. Avoid Committing to New Monthly Expenses
Before deciding on a new car or buying a house, which will incur monthly payments, make sure you can afford it first. The same goes for subscriptions like gym memberships, cable bundles, and other monthly financial commitments.
Go over your budget and your current expenses. Do not commit to new purchases if it clearly says you’re not ready.
6. Anticipate Big Purchases
Which brings us to the next step: preparing for major life purchases. With time and effort, you can save enough to plan for a wedding, purchase your own home, or welcome a new baby in the family.
Reducing unnecessary spending today will help you deal with those expenses in the future.
The Bottom Line
Working extra hours is an effective way to increase your annual income. Whether you’re paid by the hour or working a salaried job, it helps to know how much extra wages you can earn. If you’re a salaried employee, check the latest DOL guidelines to see if you’re qualified for the upcoming overtime rule.
Some people opt to work a second job, but it’s not a sustainable setup. They are mostly temporary and may not bring in as much income. It’s best to prioritize working at a stable fulltime position instead.
Finally, learn to keep track of your expenses and save your income wisely. Planning your finances can help you build emergency funds or save to buy a new house.
About the Author
Corin is an ardent researcher and writer of financial topics—studying economic trends, how they affect populations, as well as how to help consumers make wiser financial decisions. Her other feature articles can be read on Inquirer.net and Manileno.com. She holds a Master’s degree in Creative Writing from the University of the Philippines, one of the top academic institutions in the world, and a Bachelor’s in Communication Arts from Miriam College.
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