Free Online Hold Position 3 Castle Defense Game For Kids
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Game Screenshot

Game Description
Hold Position 3 is a castle defense game where you play as an archer atop a castle, fighting off waves of archers and infantry aiming to destroy your castle. Your castle shoots automatically at enemies approaching on each side and you manually aim the archer atop the center of the castle to assist them. The goal of the game is to last as long as you can. In prior games from this series you upgraded your weaponry after each game & retained your coin savings and upgrades from game to game. In this game you must upgrade during battle and you lose your upgrades when you perish.
Game Technology
Almost every game in our collection was created using a game building tool named Construct. These games are rendered using JavaScript and a mobile-friendly HTML design, so they work on desktop computers, laptops like the Google Chromebook, tablets like the iPad or Amazon Kindle Fire, and mobile devices like the iPhone. You can play this game on computers powered by the Microsoft Windows operating system, the Apple OS X Mac operating system, and mobile phones like the iPhone powered by iOS or Google Android powered Samsung. Try the game in it's own window by clicking here.
How to Play
Open the upgrade menus at the bottom of the screen and repeatedly upgrade various attributes of your castle including attack, defense, and how you accumulate income.
You control the upgrades & the castle's attacks are automatic.
You may play this game embedded in the above iframe or click here to view it in a separate browser window by itself.
Enemies attack in waves & get stronger each wave you face. The current wave number is shown in the top center of the screen.
Enemies show how much damage you did to them in a red number appearing above them each time you hit them.
The number of enemies remaining in the current wave is shown in the upper left corner of the screen under your gold and diamond savings.
Every fifth level a boss comes to try to destroy your fortress.
You can double the game's play speed or call the next wave early in the upper right corner.
Your castle's current health & health capacity are shown above it.
You can upgrade both your maximum health and the rate of health recovery.
When you defeat enemies you are rewarded with gold or diamonds.
Your gold and diamond savings are shown in the upper left corner of the game along with how many enemies you have remaining in the current wave.
Gold can be used to upgrade your fighting attributes during the game. Diamonds are used to upgrade your starting attributes at the beginning of the next game.
The following features can be upgraded.
Attribute | Type | Initial Value | Upgrade Amount | Initial Cost | Upgrade Cost Increase | Diamond Upgrade |
damage | Attack | 2 | 1 | 10 | 10 more per upgrade round | 20 |
attack speed | Attack | 0.5 | 0.01 | 10 | 200 more per upgrade round | 20 |
critical chance | Attack | 5 | 1 | 10 | 200 more per upgrade round | 20 |
critical multiple | Attack | 2 | 1 | 10 | 20 more per upgrade round | 20 |
range | Attack | 100 | 1 | 10 | 10 more per upgrade round | 15 |
health | Defense | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 more per upgrade round | 30 |
regeneration | Defense | 0 | 0.2 | 10 | 20 more per upgrade round | 30 |
vampire | Defense | 0 | 0.01 | 10 | 30 more per upgrade round | 20 |
gold bonus | Treasure | 0 | 1 | 10 | 5 more per upgrade round | 20 |
diamond bonus | Treasure | 0 | 1 | 10 | 100 more per upgrade round | 50 |
boss bonus | Treasure | 0 | 0.01 | 10 | 15 more per upgrade round | 30 |
random gold | Treasure | 0 | 5 | 10 | 30 more per upgrade round | 20 |
Your gold savings and upgrades are lost when you restart this game. Only the diamond savings are retained. The diamonds can be used to boost your starting values for your attributes in the next game.
The attack speed has a max upgrade capped when you get at the pace where you attack every 0.1 seconds.
In this game upgrading gold and offense early are more important than defense since you will be able to defeat most enemies before they get close to the castle & upgrading your goal bonus and random gold early give you more money to buy upgrades throughout the rest of the game. As you get 50 to 100 levels in it becomes far more important to upgrade your castle health and regeneration as some enemies take dozens of shots to destroy.
Related Games
We publish all 3 games from the Hold Position series.
- Hold Position - colorful base defense game where you try to last 10 minutes against waves of helicopters and tanks.
- Hold Position 2 - medival game similar to the first, where you play an archer who tries to defend the castle for 10 minutes against waves of attacks.
- Hold Position 3 - medival game where you defend a castle. Rather than trying to last 10 mintues you last until your castle is defeated. This game has a far broader range of upgrade options than the first 2 games in the series.
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We do not have any ads in our online game arcade and we have published hundreds of games which may not work in some browser configurations. This game should work in almost any modern web browser like Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Brave or Vivaldi. If you are having issues getting this game to work, please leave a comment below mentioning the problem and your software set up so we can investigate the issue.
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